
Whether you have BFI mounts or factory mounts, now you can replace your aging, worn, or outright broken transmission boss with our complete replacement console and spacer plate, both made from 6061-T6 aluminum. Our billet transmission boss is many times stronger than its factory counterpart. Regardless of the situation, you can drive with the knowledge that these parts are strong enough to handle whatever you throw at them.

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After producing our motor mount spacer kits for the PQ35 and MQB platforms, we thought why not take it a step further and make a complete factory replacement transmission boss? Paired with our existing transmission console that comes with our PQ35 & MQB motor mount spacer kits, we've machined a 17mm spacer that will revert your transmission back to factory height.

Whether you have BFI mounts or not, you can now replace your factory boss with our full billet transmission boss. Unlike your factory transmission boss (console) which is cast, our boss is full billet, giving your that extra strength and peace of mind.


If you have ever had the misfortune of taking your engine mounts on and off multiple times, you'll know all too well that the factory aluminum threads aren't up to the task of repeated removal and torqueing. Over time, these formed aluminum threads weaken and often start to pull, damaging the threaded hole, or increasing the ease of a cross-thread install. To address this issue, we designed our transmission boss to include Heli-Coil stainless steel thread inserts, making the thread connection stronger and repeatedly removeable if necessary.

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BFI Full Billet Transmission Boss - Manual

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BFI Full Billet Transmission Boss - Auto/DSG

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BFI Full Billet Transmission Boss Spacer

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We have produced variants for both manual and automatic/DSG vehicles accross the PQ35 and MQB platforms. See specific applications below:


  • MK5 GTI/Jetta
  • MK6 GTI/Jetta
  • MK7 GTI/R/Alltrack/Jetta
  • MK7.5 GTI/R (manual only)
  • MK8 GTI/R (manual only)
  • Beetle (2012-2015)
  • B6 & B7 Passat
  • CC
  • Tiguan (manual AWD only)


  • 8P A3
  • 8J TT (MK2)
  • 8V A3/S3
  • 8S TT/TT-S (MK3)


BFI PQ35 (MK5/MK6) Motor Mount Spacer Kit

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BFI MQB (MK7/MK8) Motor Mount Spacer Kit

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