Shipping costs are calculated based upon weight and volume. All prices are quoted through UPS, FedEx or USPS in real time, but we cannot guarantee all priced to be accurate at all times. All Canadian orders are shipped using USPS Priority services. USPS does not charge brokerage fees, but you will still be responsible for duties when your package is delivered.
Most items sold are shipped directly from our warehouse in Cary, NC 27511. However, some parts are considered special order (eg wheels, air suspension, brake kits, turbo kits) and others are drop shipped from a separate facility if our local inventory is exhausted. This may increase transit time and the shipping method used to send these products may be different from what was selected during checkout. If multiple items are ordered and one or more is a special order, drop-shipped item, your purchase may be split into two or more separate shipments.
Shipping delays that occurs after the product leaves our warehouse due to inclement weather, technical errors, acts of God, etc, are not eligible for any type of reimbursement.
Any information errors (ie incorrect address) are the responsibility of the customer. If the address needs to be corrected once the package has shipped, a correction fee of $12.50 will be charged by the shipping courier. This correction fee is non-negotiable.
All packages returned to sender due an incorrect shipping address, or because it was refused by the recipient, will result in a partial refund, less the cost of shipping. You will not be reimbursed for the cost of shipping on these returns. Please be sure the shipping address provided is accurate.
UPS and FedEx do not ship to PO BOX addresses. If you enter a PO BOX address and select UPS or FedEx an address correction fee of $12.50 will occur. This correction fee is non-negotiable. This also may result in your package being returned to us. Please select USPS shipping for PO BOX orders.
If you have questions about transit times and estimated delivery, please call us at 919.468.5400 or e-mail before placing your order.
- USPS Priority: Offers fast delivery in 1, 2, or 3 business days.
- UPS Ground: Day-definite delivery typically in one to five days. (map shown above)
- UPS 3 Day Select: Delivery by the end of the third business day.
- UPS 2nd Day Air: Delivery by the end of the second business day.
- UPS Next Day Air: Next business day delivery by end of day.
- FedEx Home Delivery: Day-definite delivery within 1 to 5 business days. Delivery occurs Tuesday-Saturday between 9am-8pm. Saturday delivery included at no charge!